Sun 05 Jan
🎀1000%REAL DEAL! 👅 Skilled & Well Reviewed 😉🍭💋 T€R iD: 221420 Cali's fav ASIAN MIX 😘🎀 - 24
(Columbus, Airport)
start your weekend with this sexy beauty
(Appleton / Oshkosh / FDL, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha / Racine, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Sheboygan, Wausau, hotel room)
50 or older come get a Tasty Treat WILL NOT RESPOND TO TEXT MESSAGES - 26
(Madison, madison west side)
100 $ 0PENMINDED... S3XY COC0@.... W3LL ßEHAVëD .TRiiMm3D CU®V¥ ©UTii3 - 19
(Madison, $100 incalls EAST MADISON $100 INCALLS)
***Natalia*****740 586 4673.......60*100* 150hr - 18
(Columbus, columbus north 161 upscale location)
♥ Y O U R __ F R E A K Y __ O B S E S S I O N ♥ - 19
The Sexy💋 Website Verified 💋 Exotic Island Girl 💋VALENCIA💋The Real She-Male Dream - 24
(Cleveland, Parma hts)
Special Romantic Rendesvous!! Escape within My Warm Loving Touch!! Many Magical Moments Together - 38
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Smokin Hott Brunette and Blonde!!!! 2 for 1 all night~!~!~!~! SEXI PAIR!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ - 21
S D U C i V ° FR3@KY PTiT Ѽ Y C@ND¥ [[ KiNk¥ ]] & [[ßÂUi FUL]] - 21
(Cleveland, ♥ Airport 24hr Incall OnLy♥)
°° °° S W E E T B U S T Y B R U N E T T E . . $ 6 0 S P E C I A L S °° °° - 22
(local in and 77)
***OUTCALLS*** CLEVELAND Professional Massages,Sexy Drama Free You've Found Her!- Jhazmine - 24
P_E_R_F_E_C_T __((( BRUNETTE )))__ --♥-PETITE -♥-HOT -♥-SEXY ((( GREAT REVIEWS ))) - 20
(Cleveland, westside incall or outcall)
OPEN 24HRS..CALL NOW *NeW YeArS SpEcIaLs* CoMe & SEE YoUr SeXy N@uGhTy TREAT w/ 5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
*¨¨*:. NeWNeW MaIN AtTrAcTiOn BlUe EyEd BlOnDiE BaRbIe DoLl 5 Star*¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* Treatment - 18
New _ S U P E R _ S E X Y_ ☰☰☰ HOT ☰☰☰ Petite Sexy Exotic☰☰☰ Best Service - 21
(Costa Mesa, Irvine, Costa Mesa, Incall)
Ms. Whitney is here. FIRST TIME HERE!!!!! let's have some fun!!!! - 20
(Cleveland, euclid /downtown area)
▅▅ come get a young blonde college girl all to yourself today!! ▅ ▆ █ █ 🚨NEW GIRL ALERT🚨 - 21
(Cincinnati, text 513-218-4432 now)
MOrning Daddy..Last Day!!! 12pm...Spoiled Lil Girl.Waiting To Give u Your Orral Report.Indulge - 19
(Cleveland, independence incall availability Now)
💙My SKILLS,2nd to None💙 💙Meet BP's SEXIEST💃 Housewife💙 💙The SWEETEST C🍪🍪KIE in the Jar.💙 - 32
💎💎Hott White Girl From NYC!!*Ki££er Mouth Ski££s*50 Rose Specials💎💎 - 24
Experience an Affectionate Swimsuit Model...Ashton Special from 2 pm till 8pm! - 25
(Beachwood...near I-271 & 480)
♡💋 ★★ BeAuTiFuL ★ —————PrEtTY FACE ————— SeXy BOdY ————— ★ ★💋♡ AMAZING CURVES!! - 19
(Cleveland, Your Place!!!!!!!!♥)
•-:¦:- HOT •-:¦:- •-:¦:- PERSONAL MASSAGE •-:¦:- DEEP •-:¦:- PLEASURE •-:¦:- ~Special ~ - 34
(Portland, SE 181st/Gresham INCALL)
The Girl Next Door has Naughty Secret - 19
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
*75 SpEcIaLs Open til 11p* I'M CeLeBrAtInG MY BDAY ALL WeeK! CoMe N SEE YOUR N@UGHTY THiCk BeAuTy - 29
(Cleveland, Incall Garfield Hts; Outcall Anywhere)
BEAUTIFUL * Brunette Barbie With SPARKLING hazel Eyez *_* $100 Kiss Special *_* READY RIGHT NOW - 23
(Portland, Pdx & all surrounding citys-- $100 sp)
Specials ❤️With ms .Michelle Come slide on my waterfall☔️🌈☔️🌈☔️ - 25
(Cleveland, Incall.cleveland.lorain county)
SmoKing Hot Playmate! TER ID 134467 & 151939!! 70Q100HH Available 24 HRS! - 19
(Cleveland Incalls (EAST))
See you July 5th _ 8th !!! Put me on your list of Things To Do! ~~ Chrissy Kisses ~~ - 40
(Cleveland, Greater Cleveland)
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ ♥ Sexi Busty Slender Brunette STunner! ! ! ! ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ - 24
————:¦:•S T O P & T A K E ——A——:¦:•L•O • O • K•:¦:———YOUR #1 CHOiCE•☆• ———— - 23
(Pittsburgh, •-:¦:-• Green Tree Incall Baby •-:¦:-•)
Hey guys, come have fun with me *Flawless*!! 513-400-6614 - 20
(Central Cincy incall& out call, Cincinnati)
☆°* FACE of an ANGEL___ BODY of a GODDESS *°☆ ___SEXY, SOFT, SENSUAL!!!! ** INCALL - 21