Thu 02 Jan
L O O K====* SwEEt * __ &__* SeXy *______* EX0TiC*_______ ♥♥ HoTTiE OutCalls - 24
(Houston, reliant center)
🌹🌹🌹I'm fun sized, freaky, and ready to have a good time ❤️ (80specials🌹🌹🌹 - 21
(Houston, 45N & beltway)
** GFE ** 24/7 ** 100 Flat Rate Up to 1 Hour ** Ebony Sexxxy Nice A$$ *** 3 HOLE Show Available
(Incalls & Outcalls)
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ _EROTIC PUERTO RICAN/ FILIPPINO ~ MASSAGE (( SUPER JUiCY ))❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ - 23
(Houston, 59 & SOUTHWEST FREEWAY ( 832-570-3459))
++___++ EroTiC DoMiniCaN NaTive ++___++ Wet Wet Wet!!! Cum check out this Upscale HoTTie!!
******Ebony Playmate*******Miss DeDe $$$$ CALL NOW 50$ Specials 50$ Specials - 25 - 25
(Houston, I -10 east close by Lockwood/Downtown)
★ ★ ★ ★ BODY 2 BODY no rush no wait CALL ME NOW .... Erotic massages ★ ★ INCALL & OUTCALL★ ★ - 22
(Houston, ,baytown, Laporte, channelview)
Breathtaking Blue EYED blonde! don't miss out - 23
(City of Houston, galleria, Houston, The Woodlands)
😱Brand New Scandinavian Beauty!😱Harlii Quinn! Petite Spinner! Wanna Spin?! - 21
(5✨Galleria 59/Kirby/RiverOaks IC ONLY!, City of Houston, Houston)
*** Body built to be TOSSED up *** & Gorgeous enough to ENDULGE *** - 22
(Houston, 290 area incall / outcall ANYWHERE)
👑👑The BEST of the BEST💋 Don't Settle for Less 💋💎 2 Girl Special Available👭👑👑 - 22
(Austin, Austin OUTCALLS)
🍭 🍦[SWEET AS HEAVEN]🍦🍭 •💋• [ BeAuTiFul 100% Me] •♥• [Latina ] •👠• [CoKe CoLa BoDy ] ] •👠• - 23
(Midland / Odessa, odessa)
VISITING NOW! Do you like BLONDES? OpenMunded, Sensual, Seductive, Sexy & Petite! - 25
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA !INCall I NEED NEW FRIENDS)
♥• SEXY SWEET ★ SoUtHeRn CuTiE!! ☆AddiCtiVe BuStY PlaYmAtE AvAiLaBlE NoW!! $60 IN/CALL SpECiAL... - 30
(Midland / Odessa, MIDLAND IN/CALL'S ONLY!! $60$ SPECIAL)
_ R _ U _ _ C U R I O U S ??? __ WANT TO TRY SOMETHING _ NEW? - 25
(Midland / Odessa, MIDLAND DOMINATION)
SEXY, SINGLE, MINGLE, PARTY (strippers, stripper pole, pool table) sexy ladies! - 24
(Austin, South Austin)
~~~~~~~~ sEXXy ~~~ SuLtRY ~~~ BeAutiFuL ~~~ bOmBSheLL ~~~ SPECIALS!! ~~~~~~~~ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/ 338 LOOP/ JBS)
♛♛ Petite Beauty With 100 % Real Pictures Available Now !!! ♛♛ Great $pecial$ - 20
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa Incall special$)
TH E ♡ ♥ ♡ B E S T ♡ ♥ ♡ I S ♡ ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡ ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W ♡ ♥ ♡• IN ♡ ♥ ♡• ODESSA ❣ - 24
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)
💘💘 ▒ ╠╣Ot █▒ SwEeT █ 100%Real ▒ 100%Sexy💘💘 ▒ 💘💘 Blonde PlayThing ▒ 💘💘 - 20
(Midland / Odessa, In Odessa Waiting On You To Call Me...)
Sexy and Petite Brunette With Good Looks, Great Skills, and an A+ Personality ! - 44
(Austin, Central Austin)
*° SEXY *° B LoNdE *° OPeNmINdeD! *° 100% ReAL PHoTos! - 24
(183/ NW Arboretum IN)
💋☆Ρrεttվ Gírℓ ♛Bοοτվℓícíouδ♛ 💕☆••☆💕╚» Tíghτ 💕 Ρíηκ & Jυícվ. 💦 ╚»🌟 100% ALL ME 🌟💕 - 30
(Austin, South Austin- Ben White)
Reviewed _________ Platinum Blonde Playmate _________ Hot * Kinky * Freak * - 20
(Austin, HIGHLAND MALL << ----- New Location)
New girl💑💙💑💙💑Outcalls Only 💙💑💙💑💙💑Sexy Mixed Busty Beauty 💑💙💑💙💑💙💑100% real pics - 25
(Austin, Downtown, Your place)
Morning bird seeks playful worms for games of hide and seek ...and maybe some lunch - 44
(outcalls everywhere .)
**Naughty but Nice, Hot Body**Busty Blonde**Slender & Fun** - 32
(Arboretum, Austin, Austin, in or out)
👀 Look! 👂 Listen! 💋 Taste! 👐 Touch! 👃 Smell! BBW Will tempt all Your Senses💙💕 - 38
(Austin, 512 679 5569 North Austin)
*-:¦:-* LET Me ¤FINISH WHAT ¤ Y0U ¤ STARTED *-:¦:-* $130 Special 512-367-0541 - 23
IM BACK!!!~* Your Sweet Exotic Treat Aim To Please Available for YOU💗!!*~ - 21
(Austin, Austin/Outcall only)
Happy Angels are Now Open for Business! - 22
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, OutCall)
Hennessy- 🍑🍑🍑Slim Peach Booty💦 Available All Day/All Night Incalls/Outcalls💕 - 20
(Austin, North CedarPark 183 Aboretum 35 Mopac)
Happy hour special 55incall & $90 outcall wit a Thick and sexy Lady ( click here ) - 27
(Austin, south austin)
° • :: .o°°• {{ 100% REAL }.o°°•O°.:ღ: •° (:HOT HAWAIIAN 100%)° • :ღ:.o°°•O°. {{COME PLAY} .o°°☆: •° - 18
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/Midland In/Out)
Evening relaxation with SNOW WHITE hazel eyed brunette bombshell *- - 22
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA/MIDLAND)
🌴 🌴 WANNA GET AWAY?? 🌴 🌴 Sexy BLONDE Beach Bunny 🌴 🌴 Your Personal PARADISE🌴 🌴 - 21
(Midland / Odessa)