Mon 27 Jan
Olivia getting You right ALL through the Night... Limited Time 50 QuickFix!!! ** 614-914-7353 ** - 23
(Columbus, west)
New Number *Weekend specials $$ 140 half 200 hr Mellisa 8102881612 - 23
(Columbus, olentangy River Rd)
~**~ Sexii ~**~ Petite ~**~ Chocol@te ~**~ Pl@ym@te ~**~ 24/7 - 22
(I-480 & 77 ( my place or yours))
Real Girl*————————— ((( • 1OO INCALL SPECIAL• ))) ———————————*Real Service* - 30
(Cleveland, SLAVIC VILLAGE / OFF I 77)
* PROOF VIDEO 👇 Exotic Big Booty🎂🎂FREAK ; Tattoos💉💉 It's NOT me It's FREE � - 24
(Cleveland, westside in-outcalls)
Ready foR soMe FUn $60 special SEXY SEDUcTIVE & REaDY N.A.UGhTY EBONY girl*call NW for your SPECIAL - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland surrounding areas)
ߒւࢀ⠰ߌߠI kNoW..•°★• °ߒւࢀ⠰ߌߢ"°★• HoW To °ߒւࢀ⠰ߌߢ"°★• ߌߠMaKe You SmiLe°ߒւࢀⰟ̟• °★24/7 - - 20
(Columbus, Dublin)
💦NEW💦🍫 Chocolate💦💕🍫 Thunder🌟💎 HERE 🍫💦 Im The Best 💦🍫 Specials💎 💦💕 I Do It All🍫 - 22
(Cleveland, Westside💦In Airport Area/Outcalls💦Avil)
★ ★ ★ -NEW GiRL- *NEW PiX* 100% SATiSFACTi0N GUARANTEED ★ ★ ★ - 21
(WeSt SiDe_CLeVeLaNd_LoCaL(iN & 0UtCaLL))
** NEW** A dark and lovely chocolate ebony 46 DD treat for the new year - 24
(Cleveland, South east suburbs -- in call)
NEW -:¦:- BREATH *-:¦:-* TAKING *-:¦:-* Exotic BeAuTy *-:¦:-* WaItInG oN yOu ***** - 22
♥Hot Monday Specials⇨Sneak Away To Come Play ♥⇨Truely The Best Treatment Ever! Hot Sexy Brunette!♥ - 29
(Columbus, Worthington)
Hey isabella here! It's my birthday weekend , so hit me up and help me enjoy my birthday, 21 now!(: - 20
(Columbus, Westerville, Ohio)
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ MUST SEE --- petite hottie --- fetish * massage * escort - 22
(Cleveland, east side of cleveland)
my loving touch will relax you
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
MONDAY RAINY DAY 120 ROSES SPEcial full gfe* AMAZING SPANISH & BLaCK BEaUTY 216-956-8100 - 20
♥ MUy CALienTe ★ S.E.X.Y. JUiCy PUerTo RiCan DoLL★[[100% REAL ]] ★iTs PLay TiMe PaPi ♥ - 22
(Cleveland, Westside incalls/ outcalls all suburbs)
Miracle up scale pretty young thing love what i do best 216-379-1018 - 21
(Cleveland, In callll Cleveland surrounding)
***Miss Bad Princess Diamond Cut*** Specails 65 - 21
(Cleveland, Nortflied/Lee/%Warrensville/Arkon/Milles)
Happy Birthday 2 ME!!! Danni's 31...Come enjoy yourself with me today.. - 31
(Columbus, Birthday Gal East!!)
* Great Tuesday Specials * Classy, sexy, busty and sweet. Ally is all you will need! - 22
(Columbus, incall)
Looks like Chocolate Taste Like Chocolate(come and get it guys$ 50 specials) - 22
(Cleveland, Independence)
lets play!!Young & ATTRACTIVE BRUNEtte Bombshell. Available Now - fetish friendly - 20
(Cleveland, incall only)
Jazzmine ... & SYke call NOW! $80 sl!pp€ry W*t SPECIALS call NOW 216 210 2441 - 24
(Cleveland, Ur place or mines old brooklyn)
🌟🍭 LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ▀BLONDE UkRaINIaN HOTTIE ▄:¦:-I DO IT -:¦:- THE BEST🍭🌟 - 24
•★• P E R F E C T •★• ——— B L O N D E*B A R B i E ——— •★• V i S i T i N G •★ -outcall specials - 21
(San Antonio, outcalls only)
º●º●♥NeW to TOwN!! SkILls tHaT WIlL AMAZE yOU♥Im LiKe No OtHeR sWeEt n PeTiTe mIxEd mOdEl FrEAk♥●º●º - 20
(San Antonio, murzbach, medical center in-calls only)
(^)*(^)*(^) NeWw (^)*(^) ALL NATURAL (^)*(^) seXXy (^)*(^) sPeCiaLs (^)*(^) REVIEWS!!! (^)*(^)*(^) - 22
(San Antonio, 10/410 FWYS / Balcones Heights)
New In Town 💗💗 HOT ASIAN GIRL YOMIKO 💖💖 Your Fantasy is Here ☎️📱☎️ 512-626-9202 (Medical Ct) - 26
(North Central, San Antonio, San Antonio / Near Medical Center)
(~'.¸ ★ ¸.'~) -- New Pic's -- NURSE $@ndY HERE!!! { 130 INCALL SPECIAL } (210)560-3330 - 21
(San Antonio, medical center ( IN & 0UTCALL SPECIAL ))
Tue 21 Jan
Well 👑 Reviewed 💎 Exotic 🏝 Party 🦄 Girl 💁🏽 Sneak 🤐 Away 🌈 And 🍑 Cum 💦Play👉🏼👌🏽 - 24
(Chicago, City of Chicago, Oak brook,Aurora,Naperville,Boilingbrook)
⛔️ Stop ✋🏽 Taking ❤️ Chances 💊On 🍭 Fakes 😒 Well 💎 Reviewed 👑 FaceTime 📞 Me👸🏽 - 24
(Chicago, City of Chicago, Your place or Mine 😜)
your dirty little secret I promise not to tell - 25
(Cincinnati, motel off 71 between dwtn & kenwood)
☆★☆ :: ( ♥Sexy♥ ) :: ( ♥Wild♥ ) :: ( ♥Beautiful ♥ ) :: ( ♥ Ready For Fun♥) :: ☆☆★ - 21 - 21
(Cleveland, Westside Cleveland & Surrounding Areas!)
×°× S—t— U—n—N—i—N-g—— >* ——E—x—O—t—i—c—— H—O—T—— ——P—L—a—Y —m —a—T—e ——100% *REAL*PICs - 24
▄▀▄▀▄♥ƸӜ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ N@ughty Girls ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥▄▀▄▀▄▀ SPECIAL RATES !!! - 25
(Cleveland, EAST / near 271 & 480)
💕💕 No StRiNgs 🎀🎀 Attatched 💦 Good BuSiNess 💁 MaKe YOu AlwaYs 😍😍 waNT to CUM👅👄 BaCk 🏃🏃 - 19
(Akron/Canton, Akron/Fairlawn)
)))))))))) Outcall #*#*#*#* New Asian Girl Diana *#*#*#*# Call 216-242-1224 (((((((((( - 21
(Cleveland, Outcall Only)