Wed 08 Jan
__NOW HIRING _ELITE UPSCALE ESCORT AGENCY........ Transportation and Accommodation on US
(Various Cities Across the United States)
Beautiful Black and Hawaiian Princess text 7753874287 - 22
(I come to you, New Orleans, Uptown / Carrollton)
specials all night give me a call !!!
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport)
Call 504-324-1833 *&*&*&* Natural Busty Korean Girl Jenny *&*&*&* Outcall Only - 22
(New Orleans, Outcall Only)
Special's Ms.Jazz Bugatti 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Relaxing Service" Full Hour Special 100 - 22
(New Orleans, New Orleans And Surrounding areas)
💗💗 NEW Petite Blonde 💗 FeTish Fr!eNdLy 💗 Hot BOMBSHELL 💗🌟 CalL NoW! 🌟💛 AvAiLaBLe NOW! 💥 - 19
(New Orleans, New Orleans East)
🔥✨DESIRABLE From Head To Toe✨🔥 A TEMPTATION Like No Other👅👄💋 Come Start YOUR Day Off Correctly - 22
(Merced, merced incall)
In RENO 【1OOO%REAL 】💞【HoT brunette】 💞【#1 Most Desired】💞 【★•°o°•★AUDREY★•°o°•★】💞💎 - 23
👠💄SinFuLLy sweet, taste ME NOW! *•° inCALL & OUTcaL - 22
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, ••FrenCH QuARteR💋💚 OUTcaLLl SPeCiaLs••)
N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥•] THIS N*I*C*E * Specials♡♥CALL NOW - 21
(Wichita, Your place or mine)
Wichita 10/06 NEW Arrived ★♛★★♛★ 248- ▬ ♛ ▬ Taiwan CICI ▬ ♛ ▬ FANTASY ★♛★★♛★ - 24
(Wichita, Wichita / Airport)
Sweet and petite $$ OUTCALL ONLY $$$100 specials - 26
(New Orleans, Westbank only ...40YEARS AND OLDER)
_____ HOT *** HOT *** HOT ____ WARM *** UP *** WITH *** ME ____ DON'T GET STUCK IN THE COLD !!!!!!! - 20
60 Friday night specials ❤1ØØ %ReAL PIC§ ★TaSTy *: .KiNkY : - 24 - 24
(Tallahassee, n monroe/tallahasse mall)
🌹🌹🌹 Fine As Wine, Come Take A Dine 👅👄 Sexy Brunette $100 Specials Call Now ! - 22
(Panama City, PCB/PC/Ft.Walton/Destin in or out)
💙💙💙💙💋Help me pay for my trip pretty please!! Better than her👆and her👇💋7759846704 - 26
(Nevada, Reno)
Available! Now! Sexy Petite Hottie With Perfect B0DY! • ☆• ★ INCALL SPECIAL'S• ★• Don't Miss Out-70 - 21
(Omaha, incall/north omaha)
**¡¡ SoY dE Lo MEjoR***~~""NEw GiRL ""~~***CuBAn BArbiE...!!!** ToCA mE ToDA¡ LLamar 3168049041 - 20
(Wichita and surrounding areas)
★ •*¨¨*• •-: ☆ *¨¨*• :☆:-•* WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE •-: ☆ :-•*¨¨*☆ :-• •*¨¨* •★ - 22
(New Orleans, N.O. Area ((OUT-CALLS ONLY)))
Tue 07 Jan
♥♡Up Late And Feelin Naughty♡♥ *Who Wants To Keep Me Company* - 23
(Wichita, wichita ks and surrounding areas)
100 Im BaCk!! B(.)(.)bs!!! 38 Geez ** B(.)(.)bs ** StAcY K * LaTiN BaRbie * NatRaLy BuStY!!! - 22
(Wichita, AiR PoRt/ West KoLLogg)
24/7 (¿) NiKie (¿) she's MORE then you can ask for (¿) WOW ! ! 24/7 - 25
(in call E. side Wichita / or out call)
TICKLE MY❤️ NOOK TONIGHT 💋💋I GRIP☆SO☆SPANK☆ME 😘 60 Spc All Nite 9545447452 - 21
(Tallahassee, North Monroe. Incall Only!)
YoUr 👠💄❤️ Red-Headed Busty Green/Blue-eyed Bombshell ... Lingerie , Candles, Heels, Toys & More ❤️ - 28
(Reno, •❤• RENO TAHOE TRUCKEE will travel •❤•)
Nervous? Don't be, I don't bite. High Reviews! Call / text now! OUTCALLS ONLY! 623-850-4078 - 41
(Reno, Reno & surrounding - OUTCALLS ONLY!)
🍎🌟🍎New Fbsm lingerie&VipPackage;🌟🌟 Emily👧Actual 📷 100% Real All American Sweetheart 🍎💛🍎💛🍎 - 30
(Reno, Reno Upscale Incall & outcalls)
► ► ✨ *2* █▬█❶▀█▀ [ X ] R@T€D GiRLS ✨ αvαiℓabℓε ➜ ✨ 2GiRLS ✨【 δωεε† && Crεam¥ 】RΞΛÐ¥ TØ PŁΛ¥ - 22
Let Me Take You Somewhere You've Never Been Before
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport)
Sexy Petite Latina 💋 Call to set your incall/outcall appointment now!! 😍💋😍 - 21
(Downtown Reno, nv, Reno)
New AMANDA @ INEZ'S D&D-; Just starting come check out this New Hottie... Very Pretty!! - 21
(Elko, Nevada, Reno)
*-:¦:-*~ B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~*-:¦:-*~ ¥ Õ U ® ~*-:¦:-*~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~*-:¦:-*~ Ð ® € Â M § ~*-:¦:- *~ - 25
(Central Business District (cbd), New Orleans)
°♥ 100% Real! New In Town, LIMITED Time Only! Call Now. TS Ne Ne °♥ - 21
(New Orleans, Metairie area :))
Ur Sassy Klassy Playmate Tatted Barbie is 100% REAL -N- Ready To PlayHouse.. - 22
(New Orleans, New orleans downtown/French Quaters)
-:¦:- ADDICTIVE -:¦: - SeXxXy -:¦:- BuSTy -:¦:- BOMBSHELLl -:¦:- - 22
(Metairie .. incalls/outcalls)